About a thousand of you have been asking me about the concert tour that Will Makar mentioned in his interview with me this past weekend. Will said that he would be doing a mini-tour with Ruben, Constantine, Kevin Covais, and several other Idols. This caused great consternation among those whose lives consist largely of gossiping about the Greek One.
Then there was the post that Will left on Myspace that failed to mention Constantine's name. And the wheels turned further.
The die-hard Cons fans have been all aflutter about it, trying to decipher what it means, if it indicates that Constantine still recognizes his Idol past and will associate with it, or if he's doing it just to be doing it, or whatever... Some boards have been fretting over whether Constantine would "sell out" his integrity by performing with Idols. (Um, hello, performing with Idols is how come we all know who he is, right?) And there were those who just used the opportunity to poke fun at him.
Constantine's fandom is one of the most complex of all the American Idol contestants. My friends over at Carriefans and Kelliefans are pretty much straight-forward: they love their singer, and they're ardent about it. With the Constantine crowd, it's a whole 'nother level. You have groups who do nothing but sit around all day and theorize about what he'll do next. It goes on for pages and pages. And then you have groups that clearly hate him and spend a vast majority of time writing negative things about him and creating things that are a bit on the hateful side (even though they're often funny.) And the thing is, these fan groups HATE each other.
One board is so mystical, that even I as an objective reporter have to meet approval before even viewing it. I tried following their link to Will's interview back to the board, but it was safely guarded. I even received an email from a user of this board, who wishes to remain anonymous. He writes, "A couple of us have been doing a little research on you as well! We just feel in our capacity as a Constantine fan club, that it is partially our responsibility to help you understand that all boards out there are not Constantine friendly even though they may appear that way initially. You have registered on a board that we would advise you to steer clear of... As you can tell by negative comments on your blog, you would be wise to avoid such boards unless you truly want to become a tabloid blog." (The writer wanted me to keep the email between us, and I have for the most part, but that part was so melodramatic that I had to share it with the rest of the world.)
So, like I said, it's a complex and odd fan base.
Whichever side you fall on (and I am not taking any sides) I've got some answers for you regarding the question you've all been asking: Will Constantine be joining the mini-tour with Will Makar?
I asked Will to clarify, since I was fielding all these questions with no clue how to answer them. Here's what he said to me by way of email:
The promoter who hired me had him on the list. Kevin Covais' dad told my mom that Constantine's people had not approved that yet. So I don't really know. And I don't know how Kevin's dad knows that either. So I just stopped putting down that he was coming on the tour. It has not been decided yet, I guess.
So, there you have it, Constantine theorists. Discuss among yourselves.
And for those of you who'd like to see the other Idols (Kevin Covais, Ruben Studdard, Melissa McGhee, Anthony Fedorov, and others) and you're in the McAllen, San Angelo, Laredo, Corpus Christi and Beaumont, TX areas during the week of October 3-7, please go out and support these fine people, Constantine or no, and show them all your love.
Constantine, Shmanstantine. All I want to know is what about Anthony ? Is he confirmed ? For which cities ?
Well, you have a good understanding of Con's fanbase. A lot of us are psychotic.
I do think it's pretty unfortunate that you've been roped into linking to some of the trash sites like the Heathers. They seem to have that effect on a lot of people, but not usually self thinkers ;)
Well, I guess you've been labeled a non-self-thinker now. Bad boy! *slaps* Yeah, it's pretty unfortunate that you're exploring all sides of Constantine rather than just the blather of the crowd that does nothing but sit around wishing they could see him naked.
Good for you for being open-minded. There seem to be very few people who are interested enough in Constantine to want to know all the aspects of him.
Watch out! Once my name hits the page you will see the daggers come out. Ask yourself: who are the "haters," really?
People still CARE about Constantine on any level? Wow. I can't wrap my head about that. It seems to me that he squandered pretty much any chance he had by an ego the size of New Jersey. Now he's such a hasbeen/neverwas in my opinion, he makes Donny Osmond look downright valid. Move on, folks. Nothing to see here....
People shouldn't make fun of Donny Osmond. Or put him in the same sentence as Constantine. Why does the sheer mention of Con bring out so many comments? If he was as big as these people think, he would have something going on. Someone needs to get a grant and study this
LOL, I guess not everybody is like me. Personally, I don't have anything against Constantine, but I'm not going to check the web everyday to see what he's doing. The Idol world is a complex one, for sure, and full of interesting people
I am very glad that Will and Anthony and the others are getting to cash in on their fame.
As for Constantine, it's just so FUN to make fun of his fans. Just yesterday, grown middle-aged women were talking about orgasming in their seats at his recent concerts. Ewww?
Besides, gossip is better than sycophantery (did I just make up a new word) ANY day. Just ask Perez. Or the National Enquirer.
Party on Will, et al.
I'm sticking with J.D.......He's got the best stance and seat in this house.....LOL
God, I wish all you haters would get A FUCKING LIFE. You hate him, okay, GET OVER IT. Don't you have anything else better to do with your lives? Oh, wait, I forgot, making fun of Constantine and his fans IS YOUR LIFE. It's a shame, love takes you further in life than hate does. I'm sure you haters know who I am, as I know who you are.
J.D., why don't you interview Anthony ? Maybe he has some more information about the tour. Inquiring minds want to know.....
I happen to be a huge fan of both Anthony and Constantine. I think they are both exceptional singers and performers (Anthony has such a rich, gorgeous sound and Constantine has an incredible presence & is so versatile). I also think that Will Makar has a lot of potential and that he should keep honing his craft and follow his dreams. Unfortunately, I don't live anywhere near Texas so no matter who is performing, I won't be in attendance. I just saw both Anthony and Constantine in concert at Spedie Fest, but I wouldn't mind seeing them again!
Well JD, it looks like Constantine might be headed off to ruin his reputation on Broadway instead of touring with Will and Kevin. At least that is how rumor has it.
I will say, that lineup of Texas cities looks wholly unappetizing. McAllen? Laredo? Beaumont? Bless their hearts for traveling there. South Texas doesn't get a lot of entertainment. But, ick!
Well, if I were a resident of those towns, I'd be happy to get an Idol tour of any kind coming through.
Well, I'm just so happy that Laredo is getting recognized, finally some of my Idols get to come!!! so Constantine or no Constantine, I'm there, and well mostly because of Will. <3 and I'm sure it will be a sucess. :)
J.D I think you did fine with your article on Constantine.It's more the fans that you have all the insanity with understanding WHY..I prefer to hear much more about Anthony as he's much more of a personality I can deal with (having met both of these guys)and plus Anthony never dissapoints singing wise.I've never heard him crack a note.That there should say something.ahem..
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